Saturday, January 9, 2016

Our next event! ACID Rock! February 4!

The home of our shenanigans!
The Drew Estate website!

When the cigar lounge IS the douchebag...

A place you thought of as home. You consider this cigar lounge your very own Cheers, probably complete with your own Norm, Cliff, and the rest of the gang. This is your home away from home. Hell, you probably even eat some meals here. And maybe you've cat-napped in the back once or twice. (No judging here. We've done it.). You're relaxed, comfortable with both ambiance and people. This is your safe place, whether packed with friends or vacant of most lifeforms.

Until things change.

Nasty gossip about you or a friend. Yes, bartenders know everything that's going on because they speak with all the guests. But if (when) they decide to spread any kind of news, whether true or false, they become Patient 0.**

What these gossips forget is that for many of us, we're friends beyond the bar. And just like every other real friendship, we're going to protect each other. So while the bartender bitches about someone, a friend is nearby. That bitching will get back to the person. Not only have you lost that person's trust, you've probably also lost their patronage.

Yes, we're all human and sometimes need to get something off our chests, and sometimes not to the right people. But don't look shocked when you discover why they haven't been in as much, which brings us to something even worse...

Don't lie. You'll get caught, and that just makes everything so much worse. According to David Whitford and Peter Elkind in the Fortune article "Big Business and the Art of Lying,"It's a toxic landscape that poisons personal relations ('Failures of personal integrity, once revealed, are rarely forgotten'), and on a bigger scale, engenders reflexive distrust."

Yes, my mother is known for asking me, "Don't you ever let anything go?" When it comes to something like this, or how we couldn't go to 4th of July fireworks when I was eight because the truck battery died, the door not having been closed tightly, then the answer is "No."

And ultimately, that will hurt the business.

Sorry may seem to be the hardest word, but it will restore many more friendships and business acquaintanceships than another lie. Trust me.

*A completely made-up scenario, about as far from our kidless home as possible. Plus, my parents have a Bernese Mountain dog, so anything BUT yippy.

Meet Baxter. He's actually much bigger now...
**"The initial patient in the population of an epidemiological investigation." --source--don't judge]

Happy Birthday, Sean!

Today is my boy's twenty-somethingth birthday.*

*To figure it out would cause me to do math and since that horrible math incident, I've been court-ordered to abstain from all mathematical queries, as they become mathematical quandaries.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

January Cigars of the Month: La Flor Dominicana!

We have a January COTM Winner!
Congrats to Benjamin H!!

First, congrats to Bob L, who is walking away with this bounty of goodness, less the Lego construction worker, because that is all mine. (We need him to cut the cigars for us, obviously:

We'd planned a La Flor Dominicana event for January, and, like the marketing geniuses we are, chose this month's giveaway to correspond. But incidences beyond our control occurred, essentially a turf war in the Mean Girls vein but with old Italian guys at the hub. A stalemate occurred. Our event, literally stuck in the middle, fell victim.

We're regrouping and rescheduling, so the LFD even will still occur, just, sadly, not in the next couple of weeks.

Rather than reneg on the promised giveaway because the event was postponed, we're pushing through and that just means we'll have to have another when we have a new date!

In honor of the LFD-ness, we're giving away this collection, squirrelled away from our first LFD event in September:

See how I'm offering these to you graciously and his little Lego self is freaking out?
Just so you know, this is a perfect representation of his real-life freaking out.
As you would expect, Valentino is quite up-in-arms about me giving away "his" cigars. I reminded him these, technically, weren't his, never having made the trek into inventory. They've resided in the giveaway annex, which he doesn't know about. Or didn't, until I wrote that last sentence.

We'll probably add something to this six-pack of deliciousness, like maybe a hat or shirt or something, in addition to bodyguards, of course.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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